Category: Blog

Should we treat labial adhesions in girls?

February 2021

My little girl patient, who was brought with the complaint of urinary incontinence, was sitting opposite me with her head down. As I dig deeper into her story, I learn that she doesn't have incontinence at night, she urinates at regular intervals during the day, but her panties get wet after each urine. We doctors often diagnose the disease at the stage of talking with the patient. I guess what can happen in my mind, as I question my patient and...

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Oops! Adhesion occurred after newborn circumcision. Does my child need an operation?

January 2021

Welcome to the Pediatric Surgeon's Journal. Thank you for asking me questions and writing comments. Your questions continue to determine our route. In this blog, I will write about the answer to a question that has been asked me a lot in my clinical life. Of course, based on hand-held data. Does treatment of mucosal adhesions need an operation? A mother walks in my examination room at the polyclinic, a small child in her arms or in a stroller....

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Does newborn circumcision increase newborn jaundice?

January 2021

Welcome to the paediatric surgeon's journal. Newborn jaundice is a condition that resolves spontaneously in two-thirds of babies but may still cause serious illnesses. Many factors such as malnutrition, early or late delivery can cause the emergence of newborn jaundice. What about newborn circumcision? Does it increase newborn jaundice? You will read the answer in this blog. Actually, it all started with a question from a paediatrician friend of...

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Where did this passion of blogs/vlogs come from?

January 2021

Hello, welcome to the Pediatric Surgeon’s journal. First of all, who am I? I'm a Pediatric Surgeon. I completed my high school education at Tarsus American College, my university education at Cerrahpaşa English Faculty of Medicine, and my Pediatric Surgery education at Cerrahpaşa. Later, I started working at the American Hospital and currently I still work there. After becoming an Associate Rrofessor, I took part in the establishment of...

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January 2021

Hello, In this section, I will regularly write informative articles guided by your questions and suggestions. We will sail together in the vast sea of knowledge, but of course the topics will mainly start with my area of my expertise. As I get used to social media work, I will also enrich the topics with my "doctor" identity, either by researching it myself or by consulting and hosting my doctor colleagues. I will also provide information on...

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